Strange Energies Bk 1 (2012-2019)
“Strange Energies Bk 1 is a set of 8 etudes for piano that I wrote between 2012 and 2019. Why are they strange and why energy? Everything is energy. That can be a difficult concept to grasp, it may seem strange or even unknowable. These are not just etudes for the pianist but also for the audience.
“Pay attention to how the sound moves around the room, to how the sound builds, disappears, resonates, coming and going like changing weather. These pieces are meant to be experienced in that way as much as anything else. Further to that, and in as much as music and the piano have the ability to mimic other things, or can evoke, or invoke the energy of those things, the goal of these pieces is to do just that.”
–Eleonor Sandresky, 2019
Strange Energies Bk 1, etudes for piano
(2012-2019) 40 min
for piano
Music by Eleonor Sandresky
World Premiere: December 15, 2019 | Eleonor Sandresky | Modern Piano (+) Festival, Spectrum, Brooklyn, NY.
Publishing & Licensing Information
To perform Strange Energies please contact Score available upon request.
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